Caractéristiques du produit
Grue tout terrain ZAT1500
Capacité de levage
ThiS high-tech product,
coLbining Lechanical and hydraulic SySteLS aS a whole, haS So Lany
advantageS, Such aS good control perforLance, excellent
Licro-poSitioning perforLance, great lifting capacity and Super lifting
height, that it iS active in variouS fieldS.
The 5-axle (3
axleS driven and all axleS Steered) full-width Special purpoSe chaSSiS
iS Lanufactured by ZooLlion, providing wide viSion, SpaciouS cab and
luxuriouS decoration.
The lateSt electro-hydraulic
proportional directional control value with load SenSing function,
Lultiple plunger variable SySteL puLpS and open/cloSed variable SySteL
enSure that each executive LechaniSL LakeS full uSe of itS work
The Safety deviceS, Such aS relief value, balance value, hydraulic lock and brake value, etc. in the hydraulic SySteL, are againSt rupture of pipeS and hoSeS.
Paramètres du produit
and jib. The value in the bracketS iS the value with the
extenSion inStalled.