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CHTC JZL120 Foreuse à vis sans fin

Caractéristiques du produit
Plate-forme de forage à longue tarière
Long auger drilling rig is a new product which is based on domestic and international advanced technology. It is a construction foundation equipment, which is not only applied for piling foundation in housing construction ,but also for the traffic, energy engineering and soft base enhance, etc,. Currently CFG is listed as national new method and national construction standard.
Caractéristiques du produit
It can finish the pile in one time, perfuse pile at site and also finish the operation of placing the steel cage. Efficiency, high quality and low cost are the main advantages of this machine.
Simple structure ensures flexible move, easy operation and convenience maintenance.
It is applicable for clay soil, silt and fill, etc. It can pile in different complicated geological conditions such as soft soil, draft sand formation, sand and gravel layers, with groundwater and so on. Besides, it can construct cast-in-place pile, hi-pressure grouting-pile, grouting ultra-fluidized pile, CFG composite pile, pedestal pile and other ways.
There is no vibration, noise and pollution during construction. It’s an excellent equipment for infrastructure construction.
Caractéristiques de la structure
Tête de puissance et outil de perçage
The power head is composed by double electronic motor, three-ring reducer and hoist frame. The axes of the reducer connect the drill tool by flange. The reducer fixes in the hoist frame and hung in the pillar rail. The drilling and piling work of reducer in completed the hoister’s drive.
Cadre de perçage
The pile frame is three-point support structure and the pillar connects with the machine by cross axes. This structure ensures flexible operation. The walk type chassis’s move is based on the cooperation between walk cylinder and hydraulic leg and the crawler type chassis’s move is based on the electronic motor and reducer. The up structure has main hoister and auxiliary hoister. The function of main hoister is to finish the drilling work by moving the power head and drill tool. The auxiliary hoister is used to install pillar and remove the steel.
Hydraulic System
Hydraulic pump, electronic motor, oil box, outrigger cylinder, pipe and control valves compose the hydraulic system. This system controls the operation of outrigger cylinder and walk cylinder.
Système électrique
The electric system is composed by electromotor, control cabin and other electric components. This system controls the electro motor’s start and brake. Modèle : JZL120 model adopt frequency conversion control and realize soft starting and brake and also meets speed demand of power head and hoister.
Système d 'opération
Operation room adopts thin board structure, three windows which ensures wide view and safety. The hydraulic system is controlled by four multiway valves ,and electronic control componets are inside electronic operation table or box. All operations are very convenient.

Modèle : JZL120
Diamètre de Max.drill ( millimètre)
Oslash ; 1000
Profondeur de Max.drill ( m)
Type de
Modèle : ZZSH580-69
Puissance ( kilowatt)
2 fois ; 75
Vitesse de sortie ( r / min)
Couple de Max.output ( KN.m)
Cadre de pile
Type de
Support trois points de type chenille
Vitesse de marche ( m / s)
Angle de rotation
plusmn ; 180 & ordm ;
Vitesse d 'orientation ( r / min)
Pression au sol ( MPa)
Dimension hors-tout ( m)
14.1 & fois ; 6.0 & fois ; 41.6
Type de
Modèle : JK8
Charge de ligne simple ( KN)
Vitesse de corde ( m / min)
Force de Max.pull ( KN)
Huleur auxiliaire
Type de
Modèle : JK3
Charge de ligne simple ( KN)
Vitesse de corde ( m / min)
Pompe à huile
Type de
Modèle : CBF-E50
Pression du système ( MPa)
Poids total ( t)
Long auger drilling rig is a new product which is based on domestic and international advanced technology. It is a construction foundation equipment, which is not only applied for piling foundation in housing construction ,but also for the traffic, energy engineering and soft base enhance, etc,. Currently CFG is listed as national new method and national construction standard.
Caractéristiques du produit
It can finish the pile in one time, perfuse pile at site and also finish the operation of placing the steel cage. Efficiency, high quality and low cost are the main advantages of this machine.
Simple structure ensures flexible move, easy operation and convenience maintenance.
It is applicable for clay soil, silt and fill, etc. It can pile in different complicated geological conditions such as soft soil, draft sand formation, sand and gravel layers, with groundwater and so on. Besides, it can construct cast-in-place pile, hi-pressure grouting-pile, grouting ultra-fluidized pile, CFG composite pile, pedestal pile and other ways.
There is no vibration, noise and pollution during construction. It’s an excellent equipment for infrastructure construction.
Caractéristiques de la structure
Tête de puissance et outil de perçage
The power head is composed by double electronic motor, three-ring reducer and hoist frame. The axes of the reducer connect the drill tool by flange. The reducer fixes in the hoist frame and hung in the pillar rail. The drilling and piling work of reducer in completed the hoister’s drive.
Cadre de perçage
The pile frame is three-point support structure and the pillar connects with the machine by cross axes. This structure ensures flexible operation. The walk type chassis’s move is based on the cooperation between walk cylinder and hydraulic leg and the crawler type chassis’s move is based on the electronic motor and reducer. The up structure has main hoister and auxiliary hoister. The function of main hoister is to finish the drilling work by moving the power head and drill tool. The auxiliary hoister is used to install pillar and remove the steel.
Hydraulic System
Hydraulic pump, electronic motor, oil box, outrigger cylinder, pipe and control valves compose the hydraulic system. This system controls the operation of outrigger cylinder and walk cylinder.
Système électrique
The electric system is composed by electromotor, control cabin and other electric components. This system controls the electro motor’s start and brake. Modèle : JZL120 model adopt frequency conversion control and realize soft starting and brake and also meets speed demand of power head and hoister.
Système d 'opération
Operation room adopts thin board structure, three windows which ensures wide view and safety. The hydraulic system is controlled by four multiway valves ,and electronic control componets are inside electronic operation table or box. All operations are very convenient.

Paramètres du produit
