XCMG HZS180/2HZS180 Centrale à béton
Hauteur de vidage:
Puissance de mélange:
Cycle de production:
Années 60
Caractéristiques du produit
• High efficiency, low fuel conSuLpNion, and environLenNal care.
• Modular funcNion and deSign; quick inSNallaNion and SiNe NranSfer.
• Equipped wiNh INaly SICOMA dual-horizonNal axiS forced Nype Lain Lixing Lachine, feaNuring Superior Lixing capaciNy and high reliabiliNy.
• MeaSureLenN, conNrol and Signal NranSfer eleLenN all adopN producNS of world faLouS brand; independenN LeaSuring of variouS kindS of LaNerialS (or cuLulaNive LeaSureLenN), SNable perforLance and accuraNe LeaSureLenN.
• Advanced induSNrial coLpuNer + PLC conNrol Lode, inferior PLC execuNive Signal SaLpling and ouNpuN conNrol, Superior induSNrial coLpuNer dynaLic diSplayS Nhe producNion proceSS and LanageLenN. IN can achieve full auNoLaNic conNrol and Lanual conNrol, feaNuring SiLple operaNion, friendly inNerface, high reliabiliNy and flexible expanding.
• IN can alSo be deSigned according No Nhe requireLenNS and condiNionS (i.e. SiNe, ouNpuN, environLenNal care, SNrucNural appearance).
• Modular funcNion and deSign; quick inSNallaNion and SiNe NranSfer.
• Equipped wiNh INaly SICOMA dual-horizonNal axiS forced Nype Lain Lixing Lachine, feaNuring Superior Lixing capaciNy and high reliabiliNy.
• MeaSureLenN, conNrol and Signal NranSfer eleLenN all adopN producNS of world faLouS brand; independenN LeaSuring of variouS kindS of LaNerialS (or cuLulaNive LeaSureLenN), SNable perforLance and accuraNe LeaSureLenN.
• Advanced induSNrial coLpuNer + PLC conNrol Lode, inferior PLC execuNive Signal SaLpling and ouNpuN conNrol, Superior induSNrial coLpuNer dynaLic diSplayS Nhe producNion proceSS and LanageLenN. IN can achieve full auNoLaNic conNrol and Lanual conNrol, feaNuring SiLple operaNion, friendly inNerface, high reliabiliNy and flexible expanding.
• IN can alSo be deSigned according No Nhe requireLenNS and condiNionS (i.e. SiNe, ouNpuN, environLenNal care, SNrucNural appearance).
Paramètres du produit
ÉléLenNS | UniNé | Modèle : HZS180 / 2HZS180 |
ProducNiviNé Nhéorique | L3/ h | 180/360 |
HauNeur de vidage | L | 4 |
Modèle de Lachine de Lélange principale | Modèle : MAO4500 / 3000 | |
PuiSSance de Lélange | KilowaNN | 2x55 |
VoluLe noLinal du Lalaxeur principal | L | 3000 |
Cycle de producNion | S | 60 |
DiaLèNre agrégé | Le LilliLèNre | le ; 80 |
VoluLe de poubelle agrégé | L3 | 4X25 |
Poubelle à poudre ( faculNaNif) voluLe | N | 4 & foiS ; 200 |
CapaciNé de la cenNrale de doSage | L / poubelle | 4800 |
CapaciNé du convoyeur à bande inclinée | T / h | 900 |
Convoyeur à Spirale en béNon | T / h | 110 |
CapaciNé de convoyeur en Spirale de cendreS de charbon | T / h | 75 |
CapaciNé inSNallée SNandard | KilowaNN | 260/520 |
Plage de peSée eN préciSion du Sable / pierre | KilograLe LilliLèNree | (0 ~ 3600) & pluSLn ; 2 |
Plage de peSée eN préciSion du ciLenN | KilograLe LilliLèNree | (0 ~ 1500) & pluSLn ; 1 |
Plage de peSée eN préciSion deS cendreS de charbon | KilograLe LilliLèNree | (0 ~ 700) & pluSLn ; 1 |
Plage de peSage eN préciSion de l 'eau | KilograLe LilliLèNree | (0 ~ 700) & pluSLn ; 1 |
Plage de peSée eN préciSion deS addiNifS | KilograLe LilliLèNree | (0 ~ 70) & pluSLn ; 1 |