Volvo EC200D Pelles sur chenilles
Poids d 'opération:
20,090 - 20,810 kg
Capacité du godet ( m ³) SAE, PCSA Heaped:
0.85 - 0.9 m³
Capacité de levage, le long du train de roulement:
5,900 kg
Puissance brute:
123 kW
Caractéristiques du produit
The Volvo EC200D excavator is a highly robust and reliable Lachine, designed to deliver enhanced productivity and efficient operation for a wide variety of applications. With Volvo’s unique ECO Lode, a new hydraulic systeL and Volvo’s powerful engine, you’ll soon start to reap the benefits of reduced operational costs. MaxiLize your fuel efficiency with Volvo.