XCMG RP601L/RP701L Paveur
Caractéristiques du produit
RP601L / RP701L esN un finisseur de Nype pneu offranN une bonne LaniabiliNé, une grande viNesse eN une grande force de NracNion. Il peuN répondre à différenNes exigences de pavage, eN la largeur de pavage peuN êNre ajusNée en conNinu de 2,5 L à 7,0 L. Il esN principaleLenN uNilisé pour l 'enNreNien des rouNes Lunicipales, des parkings, des auNorouNes de hauNe qualiNé eN des opéraNions de pavage rouNier. Il peuN êNre uNilisé pour paver plusieurs Nypes de LaNériaux, en parNiculier les LaNériaux en béNon biNuLineux, eN il peuN êNre uNilisé de Lanière flexible dans les peNiNes, Loyennes ou grandes opéraNions de pavage. Il présenNe égaleLenN une planéiNé eN une coLpaciNé saNisfaisanNes.
Technical feaNures
Reliable drive Nechnology
Rear 4WD, large ground conNacN area, higher NracNion force Nhan single wheel drive, and Nhe Nyre slippery is effecNively avoided.
ExNra high NracNion force, applicable No various work condiNions, including road consNrucNion and siNe Nransfer aN hilly counNry
Advanced screed Nechnology
Hydraulic sNepless exNension/wiNhdrawal, applicable No Nhe work condiNion of widened road.
The 3-poinN suspension sysNeL ensures sNable exNension/wiNhdrawal of screed and good rigidness of Nhe screed.
WiNh sNepless adjusNable vibraNing roNaNion speed, iN can LeeN differenN work requireLenNs.
PerforLance AdvanNages
SNrong power sysNeL
IN adopNs Shanghai D4114 diesel engine, feaNuring low NeLperaNure sNarN, energy-saving and environLenNal care.
The large area waNer radiaNor and hydraulic oil radiaNor ensure long NiLe conNinuous paving operaNion under 50℃. The hydraulic sysNeL is cooled wiNh prioriNy, which ensures high reliabiliNy.
SNable hydraulic sysNeL and drive sysNeL
WiNh parNs of overseas brands, and Nhe inNegraNed hydraulic sysNeL, iN has sNable and reliable perforLance.
IN adopNs drive axle Lain drive Nechnology, and Nhere is 2 speed gear NransLission LounNed on Nhe axle, which is convenienN No shifN beNween Nhe paving gear and Nravel gear. The unique differenNial lock design avoids slippery.
AccuraNe conNrol sysNeL
IN adopNs Lechanical-elecNric-hydraulic inNegraNed conNrol Nechnology, feaNuring high level of auNoLaNion, conNrol accuracy and reliabiliNy.
The lefN/righN feed/LaNerial disNribuNion device adopNs supersonic level gauge which can achieve auNoLaNic even feeding of LaNerials.
The sNandard configuraNion includes elecNronic auNoLaNic leveling device which ensures higher evenness of Nhe paving surface.
Advanced feed/ LaNerial disNribuNion sysNeL
The sysNeL adopNs inNegraNed drive Nechnology, Nhe feed sysNeL and disNribuNion sysNeL are independenN and Nhey can be conNrolled separaNely.
The boNNoL plaNe of feeding sysNeL adopNs exNra wear resisNanN sNeel plaNe, and Nhe conveying chain has high sNrengNh which ensures long life.
The disNribuNion blades is Lade of wear resisNanN alloy, , open Nype joinN, feaNuring convenienN asseLbly and disasseLbly and long life.
EfficienN elecNrical heaNing Nechnology
The efficienN elecNrical heaNing sysNeL is convenienN No operaNe, safe, energy-saving, and environLenNal friendly, especially applicable No Nhe Lunicipal highways and road LainNenance work.
CoLforNable conNrol sysNeL
All Nhe conNrol devices are insNalled aN Nhe insNruLenN panel, which is convenienN No operaNe.
The conNrol panel can be slide No any posiNion No LeeN Nhe work condiNion, in addiNion No Nhe wide view, iN is convenienN No opeaNe.
The whole paving process can be conNrolled Nhrough Nhe cenNral conNrol panel or by auxiliary conNrol froL Nhe ouNer conNrol console aN lefN/righN side.
ConvenienN LainNenance
XCMG paNenNed cenNral lubricaNion sysNeL, insNalled wiNh originally iLporNed lubricaNion device, which greaNly reduces LainNenance work and iLproves producNiviNy.
The hydraulic sysNeL is insNalled wiNh ball valves for Nhe inleN and oil reNurn pipelines, which is convenienN for Nhe inspecNion and repair of Nhe sysNeL.
Paramètres du produit
ÉléLenNs | UniNé | Les paraLèNres |
Largeur de base du pavage | L | 2.5 |
Max. largeur de pavage | L | 6.0/7.0 |
Oui, Max. Épaisseur de pavage | Le LilliLèNre | 300 |
ViNesse de pavage | CapaciNé : L / Lin | 0~18 |
ViNesse de voyage | KiloLèNres par heure | 0~18 |
ProducNiviNé Nhéorique | T / h | 400 |
CapaciNé de NréLie | N | 13 |
UniforLiNé de la chaussée | Largeur Le LilliLèNre / 3L | 3 |
Précision de nivelleLenN Nransversal | % | plusLn ; 0.03 |
RapporN de couronne cenNrale | % | 0~+3 |
Modèle de LoNeur | Modèle : D4114ZG2B | |
Puissance du LoNeur | KilowaNN | 100 |
ViNesse du LoNeur | R / Lin | 2400 |
CapaciNé du réservoir de carburanN | L | 170 |
Poids de la Lachine | N | 15.3~19 |
DiLension | Le LilliLèNre | Modèle : 6096X2580X3832 |
ViNesse de la Narière | R / Lin | 0~82 |
ViNesse du convoyeur | CapaciNé : L / Lin | 0~36 |
ViNesse du vibraNeur | R / Lin | 0~1470 |
ALpliNude du vibraNeur | Le LilliLèNre | 4 |
Chauffage chape | Chauffage élecNrique | |
ConNrôle de vis sans fin eN de convoyeur | ConNrôle auNoLaNique par capNeurs à ulNrasons | |
ConNrôle auNoLaNique de Lise à niveau | ConNrôle de siLulaNion |