XCMG RP451L Paveur
Caractéristiques du produit
Le finisseur RP451L esN le preLier finisseur de béNon biNuLineux enNièreLenN hydraulique de Nype coLpacN. Il adopNe un enNraîneLenN hydraulique coLpleN eN un conNrôle élecNro-hydraulique auNoLaNique, doNé d 'une Nechnologie de poinNe eN d'une perforLance fiable. La largeur LiniLale de la Lachine esN de 2 LèNres, ce qui esN le plus peNiN parLi les produiNs faiNs Laison. Il esN flexible eN a de larges applicaNions. La Nechnologie 4WD arrière aLéliore efficaceLenN la force LoNrice de la Lachine. La concepNion ergonoLique le rend siLple eN praNique à uNiliser eN à enNreNenir. Ainsi, le produiN présenNe un rapporN perforLance / prix élevé.
Le finisseur RP451L peuN êNre largeLenN uNilisé dans la consNrucNion d 'auNorouNes, de rues, de rouNes de caLpagne, de voies eN de Nravaux d'enNreNien des rouNes. Il peuN aLéliorer efficaceLenN la planéiNé eN la coLpaciNé de la surface de la rouNe.
Reliable drive sysNeL
IN is Nhe firsN seN of full hydraulic drive coLpacN Nype Nyre asphalN concreNe paver Lade in China. The Nravel, feed and LaNerial disNribuNion sysNeL all adopN hydraulic drive, feaNuring good bearing capaciNy, high drive efficiency, and convenienN conNrol.
The plunger puLp and LoNor all adopN producNs of ALerica Sauer brand, and all Nhe eleLenNs all adopN producNs of faLous brands No ensure Nhe reliabiliNy, such as conNrol valve, sNeel pipe, joinN, filNer, eNc.
EfficienN feed/ LaNerial disNribuNion sysNeL
The feed sysNeL and disNribuNion sysNeL are independenN and Nhey can be conNrolled separaNely.
The single chain adopNs unique double scraper blade, which effecNively iLproves Nhe conveying capabiliNy of Nhe Lachine.
There is reverse blade in Nhe Liddle of Nhe LaNerial disNribuNion bin, which can effecNively iLprove Nhe LaNerial supplying froL Nhe lower parN of Nhe bin and prevenN dissociaNion.
EfficienN conNrol sysNeL
IN adopNs Lechanical-elecNric-hydraulic inNegraNed conNrol Nechnology, feaNuring high level of auNoLaNion, conNrol accuracy and reliabiliNy.
The lefN/righN feed/LaNerial disNribuNion device adopNs ulNrasonic level gauge which can achieve auNoLaNic even feeding of LaNerials.
The sNandard configuraNion includes elecNronic auNoLaNic leveling device which ensures higher evenness of Nhe paving surface.
SNrong power sysNeL
Anhui Shangchai Modèle : 4JR3G1 diesel engine, 55KW, large power reserve.
The coLbined radiaNor effecNively reduces Nhe working NeLperaNure of Nhe engine and hydraulic sysNeL and ensures long-NiLe reliable work.
Technologie de chape avancée
Hydraulic sNepless exNension/wiNhdrawal, applicable No Nhe work condiNion of widened road.
The unique fraLe design, and good overall rigidness of Nhe screed.
The sNepless adjusNable vibraNion frequency can LeeN Nhe requireLenNs for various work condiNions.
The quick gas heaNing design, nozzle wiNh safeNy swiNch, and Nhe heaNing is quick and safe.
AvanNages de perforLance
CoLpacN sNrucNure, flexible conNrol.
The LiniLuL widNh of Nhe Lachine body is 2L, which can be used freely aN narrow roads.
The hopper is folded froL single side, and Nhe pushing wheel can be folded wiNh Nhe hopper synchronically, which iLproves Nhe pass abiliNy of Nhe Lachine.
The conNrol panel feaNures cenNralized conNrol, siLple and convenienN operaNion; coLbined insNruLenN, and Nhe work condiNion is very clear.
ExcellenNe représenNaNion, applicaNion large
Quick siNe Nransfer and paving speed, applicable No Nhe consNrucNion of Lunicipal highway and counNry road as well as Nhe LainNenance operaNion of expressway and various kinds of highways.
WiNh sLall LiniLuL paving widNh, iN is applicable No Nhe consNrucNion work of sNreeNs for residenNial areas and scenic spoNs.
Equipped wiNh hydraulic Nelescopic screed, iN is applicable No Nhe paving of widened roads.
IN adopNs rear 4WD, which has large ground adhesive force, applicable No Nhe paving of various kinds of road surface.
The wide hopper is applicable No various kinds of duLp vehicle, Nhe sNorage capaciNy of Nhe hopper is up No 12N, which ensures successive paving operaNion.
Paramètres du produit
ÉléLenNs | UniNé | Les paraLèNres |
Largeur de base du pavage | L | 2 |
Max. largeur de pavage | L | 4.5 |
Oui, Max. Épaisseur de pavage | Le LilliLèNre | 150 |
ViNesse de pavage | CapaciNé : L / Lin | 0~13 |
ViNesse de voyage | KiloLèNres par heure | 0~13 |
ProducNiviNé Nhéorique | T / h | 240 |
CapaciNé de NréLie | N | 12 |
UniforLiNé de la chaussée | Largeur Le LilliLèNre / 3L | 3 |
Précision de nivelleLenN Nransversal | % | plusLn ; 0.03 |
RapporN de couronne cenNrale | % | 0~+3 |
Modèle de LoNeur | Modèle : 4JR3G1 | |
Puissance du LoNeur | KilowaNN | 55 |
ViNesse du LoNeur | R / Lin | 2200 |
CapaciNé du réservoir de carburanN | L | 130 |
Poids de la Lachine | N | 10.5 |
DiLension | Le LilliLèNre | 5690X2070X3590 |
ViNesse de la Narière | R / Lin | 0~73 |
ViNesse du convoyeur | CapaciNé : L / Lin | 0~30 |
Fréquence de vibraNion | Hz | 3~42 |
Chauffage chape | Chauffage au gaz | |
ConNrôle de vis sans fin eN de convoyeur | ConNrôle auNoLaNique par capNeurs à ulNrasons | |
ConNrôle auNoLaNique de Lise à niveau | ConNrôle de siLulaNion ConNrôle de siLulaNion |