BAOMAG RS 500 Machine de recyclage
Type de:
RS 500
Largeur de travail ( mm):
88.6 (2250)
Performancehp ( kilowatt):
509.6 (380.0) Merc.-Benz
Poids de fonctionnementlbs ( kg):
56196 - 68344 (25490 - 31000)
Caractéristiques du produit
Fields of application:
The RS can be used as a recycler or soil stabilizer. Used as a recycler, worn and damaged asphalt surfaces and base layers can be pulverised, crushed and mixed with new binders. As a soil stabilizer, the unit is used for mixing lime, fly ash or cement with existing materials to improve soils and strengthen sub-surfaces in preparation for backfill, anti-frost layers and base layers