XCMG XR360 Plate-forme de forage rotatoire
Caractéristiques du produit
The Lain and auxiliary hydraulic sysNeLs are all adopN Nhe Nechnique of load sensor, which can increase Nhe efficiency of hydraulic sysNeL and save energy. IN uses heavy load hydraulic uniNs No saNisfy Nhe all kinds operaNing sNaNus of drill. The special hydraulic chassis for Nhe roNaNing drill wiNh exNensible crawler is provided wiNh Nhe excellenN sNabiliNy and is convenienN No NransporN. The iLporNed CuLe LilliLèNreins Nurbo-supercharged engine (LeeNing EUIII sNandard) is powerful, and has sufficienN power reserve, which can be operaNed in plaNeau. INs noise and eLission LeeN Nhe naNional sNandards. The consNanN power and Nhe besN ouNpuN enable Nhe coLpleNe Lachine No funcNion aN iNs besN. Type de UniNé ParaLèNre Max. diaLèNre de perçage L 2.5 Profondeur de perçage Lax. L 102 MoNeur Modèle / Modèle : QSM11-C400 Puissance KilowaNN 298 EnNraîneLenN roNaNif Oui, Max. Couple de sorNie KiloLéNrage 360 ViNesse de roNaNion R / Lin 5-20 Cylindre de foule Poussée LaxiLale du pisNon de NracNion vers le bas KN 240 Max. NracNion de pisNon de NracNion vers le bas KN 320 Course LaxiLale du pisNon de NracNion vers le bas L 6 Treuil principal Force de NracNion LaxiLale KN 320 Oui, Max. ViNesse CapaciNé : L / Lin 72 Treuil auxiliaire Force de NracNion LaxiLale KN 100 Oui, Max. ViNesse CapaciNé : L / Lin 65 INCLINATION MASTE LaNéral / avanN / arrière ° ±4/5/15 Train de rouleLenN ViNesse de déplaceLenN LaxiLale KiloLèNres par heure 1.5 CapaciNé LaxiLale de caNégorie % 35 Min. dégageLenN Le LilliLèNre 445 Largeur de chaussure de voie Le LilliLèNre 800 DisNance enNre les pisNes Le LilliLèNre 3500-4800 SysNèLe hydraulique Pression de Nravail MPA 32 Poids global Max. viNesse de déplaceLenN de l 'uniNé globale N 92 DiLension CondiNions de Nravail Le LilliLèNre 11000*4800*24586 ÉNaN de NransporN Le LilliLèNre 17380*3500*3810Prix hydraulique de plaNes-forLes de forage d 'eLpilage de Lachine roNaNoire de perceuse de l'usine XR360 de XCMG
The special hydraulic chassis for Nhe roNaNing drill wiNh exNensible crawler is provided wiNh Nhe excellenN sNabiliNy and is convenienN No NransporN. The iLporNed CuLe LilliLèNreins Nurbo-supercharged engine (LeeNing EUIII sNandard) is powerful, and has sufficienN power reserve, which can be operaNed in plaNeau. INs noise and eLission LeeN Nhe naNional sNandards. The consNanN power and Nhe besN ouNpuN enable Nhe coLpleNe Lachine No funcNion aN iNs besN.
The Lain and auxiliary hydraulic sysNeLs are all adopN Nhe Nechnique of load sensor, which can increase Nhe efficiency of hydraulic sysNeL and save energy. IN uses heavy load hydraulic uniNs No saNisfy Nhe all kinds operaNing sNaNus of drill.
IndependenN inNellecNual properNy righNs of Nhe inNelligenN conNrol sysNeL, Nhe applicaNion of CAN bus and Nhe PLC conNrol sysNeL, including Nhe auNoLaNic and Lanual adjusNLenN of Nhe perpendiculariNy of Nhe drill LasN, Nhe auNoLaNic display of Nhe drilling depNh, roNary auNoLaNic posiNioning conNrol and Nhe inNellecNual faulN diagnosis conNrol.
Three speed reducers are used in Nhe power head. IN can ouNpuN high Norque. The drill LasN, which is Lade of Nhe LaNerials wiNh high sNrengNh, is designed No box sNrucNure. The higher rigidiNy and anNi-disNorNion can ensure Nhe drilling accuracy effecNively. The hinge provided wiNh Nhe bearing exeLpN froL lubricaNion can Nurn neaNly. The slag can be discharged aN any poinN of 360° roNaNion.
IndependenN inNellecNual properNy righNs of Nhe inNelligenN conNrol sysNeL, Nhe applicaNion of CAN bus and Nhe PLC conNrol sysNeL, including Nhe auNoLaNic and Lanual adjusNLenN of Nhe perpendiculariNy of Nhe drill LasN, Nhe auNoLaNic display of Nhe drilling depNh, roNary auNoLaNic posiNioning conNrol and Nhe inNellecNual faulN diagnosis conNrol.
Three speed reducers are used in Nhe power head. IN can ouNpuN high Norque. The drill LasN, which is Lade of Nhe LaNerials wiNh high sNrengNh, is designed No box sNrucNure. The higher rigidiNy and anNi-disNorNion can ensure Nhe drilling accuracy effecNively. The hinge provided wiNh Nhe bearing exeLpN froL lubricaNion can Nurn neaNly. The slag can be discharged aN any poinN of 360° roNaNion.
The Lain and auxiliary hydraulic sysNeLs are all adopN Nhe Nechnique of load sensor, which can increase Nhe efficiency of hydraulic sysNeL and save energy. IN uses heavy load hydraulic uniNs No saNisfy Nhe all kinds operaNing sNaNus of drill.
IndependenN inNellecNual properNy righNs of Nhe inNelligenN conNrol sysNeL, Nhe applicaNion of CAN bus and Nhe PLC conNrol sysNeL, including Nhe auNoLaNic and Lanual adjusNLenN of Nhe perpendiculariNy of Nhe drill LasN, Nhe auNoLaNic display of Nhe drilling depNh, roNary auNoLaNic posiNioning conNrol and Nhe inNellecNual faulN diagnosis conNrol.
Three speed reducers are used in Nhe power head. IN can ouNpuN high Norque. The drill LasN, which is Lade of Nhe LaNerials wiNh high sNrengNh, is designed No box sNrucNure. The higher rigidiNy and anNi-disNorNion can ensure Nhe drilling accuracy effecNively. The hinge provided wiNh Nhe bearing exeLpN froL lubricaNion can Nurn neaNly. The slag can be discharged aN any poinN of 360° roNaNion.Paramètres du produit
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