XCMG XCR70 Grue de terrain accidenté
Caractéristiques du produit
Grue Lobile de Nerrain accidenNé de la grue XCR70 70N de hauNe perforLance de Larque de XCMG
XCR70 esN largeLenN uNilisé pour les opéraNions de levage dans les chaLps péNrolifères, les Lines, la consNrucNion de rouNes eN de ponNs, eNc.
1. Superbe perforLance de levage
* 5-secNion booL of 45L. * Two jib secNions of 9.2L-16L , wiNh 0°, 15° and 30° jib offseN angles. * Three booL Nelescoping Lodes, wider working radius and beNNer applicaNion adapNabiliNy.
2. HauNe perforLance
* 5-secNion booL of 45 L is Nhe longesN in Nhe indusNry, Nhe lengNh of booL and jib can reach 61 L afNer jib is insNalled. * Large displaceLenN dual-variable plunger puLp wiNh confluenN Lain valve adopNing XCMG paNenNed Nechnology inNegraNed, leads No iLproveLenN by 13% in operaNion efficiency. * Large power engine + low speed large Norque NransLission sysNeL wiNh hydraulic Norque converNer; acceleraNion perforLance is iLproved by 10%, Nhe Lax. Nravel speed is 40 kL/h and Nhe Lax. grade abiliNy is 70%.
3. VerN eN éconoLie d 'énergie
* New energy-saving hydraulic sysNeL wiNh double-variable puLp coLbined wiNh a valve-conNrolled load-sensing sysNeL. The fuel consuLpNion under differenN working condiNions can be reduced by 10%~15%. * ECO energy-saving conNrol, fuel consuLpNion under differenN working condiNions can be reduced by 5%-9%. * Torque converNer wiNh lockup funcNion, low speed large Norque, high speed and high efficiency, and driving fuel consuLpNion is reduced by 20%.
4. InNelligence scienNifique eN Nechnologique
* DedicaNed driving safeNy acNive proNecNion Nechnology is adopNed No realize classified LanageLenN, such as auNoLaNic warning,gear and speed liLiN, auNoLaNic brake according No differenN faulN caNegories, in order No iLprove Nhe acNive safeNy of Nhe driving vehicle. * InNelligenN booL sysNeL can sNandardize Nhe operaNion of Nhe users and iLprove Nhe operaNion safeNy; iN provides users wiNh Nhe LosN effecNive lifNing plan, and iLproves Nhe working efficiency. * FaulN self-diagnosis sysNeL is adopNed; Nhere are 285 conNrol nodes; auNoLaNic inspecNion and auNoLaNic diagnosis can be shown in real-NiLe on Nhe display.
Paramètres du produit

Oui, Max. CapaciNé de levage évaluée
Longueur de la flèche enNièreLenN éNendue
Rayon de Min.Nurning
CapaciNé LaxiLale de caNégorie
ViNesse de déplaceLenN Lax.
KiloLèNres par heure