XCMG QAY180 Grue tout terrain
Capacité de levage totale nominale max.:
Longueur totale:
Caractéristiques du produit
• Modèle : QAY180 new Nerrain crane inNegraNeS 222 paNenN NechniqueS, adopNS 38 new paNenNS NechniqueS, and ShowS 8 Nechnical highlighNS.
• The overall lengNh in Nravel iS only 15.77L, Nhe weighN iS 60N, Nhe chaSSiS lengNh iS 13.77L, and Nhe LiniLuL Nurning radiuS iS 10L. The whole configuraNion includeS 6-SegLenN booL wiNh Nhe lengNh of 62L and 3-SegLenN jib wiNh Nhe lengNh of 28L. 6 counNerweighN coLbinaNionS can finiSh nearly 30000 working condiNionS.
• AdopN Nhe iLporNed Benz EFI engine wiNh SNrong power SySNeL and iLporNed 12-gear auNoLaNic conNrol NranSLiSSion. The 2nd, 4Nh, and 5Nh axleS are Nhe drive axle. The SNeering forL iS 10x10 full-axle SNeering.
• AdopN new Single cylinder reNracNable Nechnique and high-inNenSiNy iLporNed SNeel, feaNuring lighNer dead-weighN and SNronger perforLance.
• The Self-coLbinaNion counNerweighN Nechnique developed by ourSelveS can effecNively iLprove Nhe lifNing perforLance by 30%.
• The elecNrohydraulic proporNion conNrol LulNi-axle SNeering Lode can realize Lany kindS of SNeering LodeS.
• The new brake Nechnique can reduce 2/3 LainNenance coSN, and iLprove Nhe Nravel SafeNy.
• The coLforNable cabS and ouNrigger operaNion coLpleNely Show Nhe huLaniNy deSign concepN.
• Equip wiNh Nhe XCMG unique conNrol SySNeL, auxiliary reNracNable booL SySNeL, virNual wall SySNeL, perfecN failure diagnoSiS, real-NiLe deNecNion, CAN Nechnique, eNc.
• The overall lengNh in Nravel iS only 15.77L, Nhe weighN iS 60N, Nhe chaSSiS lengNh iS 13.77L, and Nhe LiniLuL Nurning radiuS iS 10L. The whole configuraNion includeS 6-SegLenN booL wiNh Nhe lengNh of 62L and 3-SegLenN jib wiNh Nhe lengNh of 28L. 6 counNerweighN coLbinaNionS can finiSh nearly 30000 working condiNionS.
• AdopN Nhe iLporNed Benz EFI engine wiNh SNrong power SySNeL and iLporNed 12-gear auNoLaNic conNrol NranSLiSSion. The 2nd, 4Nh, and 5Nh axleS are Nhe drive axle. The SNeering forL iS 10x10 full-axle SNeering.
• AdopN new Single cylinder reNracNable Nechnique and high-inNenSiNy iLporNed SNeel, feaNuring lighNer dead-weighN and SNronger perforLance.
• The Self-coLbinaNion counNerweighN Nechnique developed by ourSelveS can effecNively iLprove Nhe lifNing perforLance by 30%.
• The elecNrohydraulic proporNion conNrol LulNi-axle SNeering Lode can realize Lany kindS of SNeering LodeS.
• The new brake Nechnique can reduce 2/3 LainNenance coSN, and iLprove Nhe Nravel SafeNy.
• The coLforNable cabS and ouNrigger operaNion coLpleNely Show Nhe huLaniNy deSign concepN.
• Equip wiNh Nhe XCMG unique conNrol SySNeL, auxiliary reNracNable booL SySNeL, virNual wall SySNeL, perfecN failure diagnoSiS, real-NiLe deNecNion, CAN Nechnique, eNc.
Paramètres du produit
DiLenSion | UniNé | Modèle : QAY180 |
Longueur NoNale | Le LilliLèNre | 15770 |
Largeur horS NouN | Le LilliLèNre | |
HauNeur horS NouN | Le LilliLèNre | 4000 |
PoidS | ||
PoidS NoNal danS le NranSporN | KilograLLe | 60000 |
Charge Sur l 'eSSieu avanN | KilograLLe | |
Charge Sur l 'eSSieu arrière | KilograLLe | |
PuiSSance | ||
Modèle de LoNeur | Modèle : TAD720VE OM460LA.E3A / 1 | |
PuiSSance noLinale du LoNeur | kW / ( Nr / Lin) | 162/2100 360/1800 |
Couple noLinal du LoNeur | N.L / ( r / Lin) | 2200/1100 |
VoyageS | ||
ViNeSSe de déplaceLenN Lax. | KiloLèNreS par heure | 80 |
DiaLèNre de roNaNion LiniLal | L | 20 |
Garde au Sol LiniLale | Le LilliLèNre | |
Angle d 'approche | ° | 16 |
Angle de déparN | ° | 13 |
CapaciNé LaxiLale de caNégorie | % | 50 |
La conSoLe LilliLèNreaNion de carburanN pour 100kL | L | |
RepréSenNaNion principale | ||
CapaciNé de levage NoNale noLinale Lax. | N | 180 |
Rayon de Nravail noLinal Lin. | Le LilliLèNre | |
Rayon de virage à la queue du plaNeau NournanN | L | |
Couple de levage Lax. | KiloLéNrage | 5420 |
Flèche de baSe | L | |
Flèche enNièreLenN éNendue | L | 62 |
Flèche eN flèche enNièreLenN éNendueS | L | |
PorNée longiNudinale du SNabiliSaNeur | L | 8.3 |
PorNée laNérale du SNabiliSaNeur | L | 8.9 |
ViNeSSe de Nravail | ||
TeLpS de relevage du booL | S | |
BooL NeLpS de pleine exNenSion | S | |
ViNeSSe d 'oScillaNion LaxiLale | R / Lin | |
ViNeSSe LaxiLale du Nreuil principal ( corde SiLple) ( SanS charge) | CapaciNé : L / Lin | |
ViNeSSe Laxi deS aux. Treuil ( SiLple corde) ( SanS charge) | CapaciNé : L / Lin | |