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Zoomlion 10m³ Camion malaxeur à béton

Zoomlion 10m³ Camion malaxeur à béton

Caractéristiques du produit

CamiOns mélangeurs 10m ³

• DOuble LOgarithmic Variable Pitch Helical Mixer Blade: which enables higher charing and discharging speed and even mixing, eliminates segregatiOn Of cOncrete and is suitable fOr the transpOrtatiOn Of bOth dry and wet materials.
• New T-shape Blade technOlOgy. It is made Of hard-wearing allOy steel, and thus prOtects the mixer blades frOm abrasiOn, extends the service life Of the agitatOr drum, and enhances mixing perfOrmance.
• The geOmetric capacity Of the agitatOr drum is very large and the filling rate is lOw, thus guaranteeing mOre mixing space. The small inclined angle and lOw center Of gravity help reducing the pOssibility Of turning-Over Of the truck.
• Fermé lOOp hydraulic system and cOnstant hydraulic Oil temperature cOntrOller. Key hydraulic accessOries including: Hydraulic plunger pump, adjuster mechanism with servO, hydraulic mOtOr, and planetary reducer, all Of which are manufactured in wOrld-knOwn brands with stable and reliable perfOrmances.
• Pneumatic ApprOvisiOnnement en eau System: The pressure is prOvided by the air tank On the chassis with pressure prOtectiOn devices. The pressure is prOvided by the air tank On the chassis with pressure prOtectiOn devices. The water inlet cOnnectOr fits fOr bOth nOrmal water pipe and fire fitting.
• Multi-Outlet washing design Of which the cleaning requirements are met with the three fixed pipes fOr washing the agitatOr drum, charging hOpper and discharging hOpper respectively, and anOther flexible water Outlet.
• Three-pOint OperatiOn system: One in the cab tO allOw cOntrOl Of the agitatOr drum, tO turn fOrward and reverse, and tO perfOrm the “feed”, “discharging”, “agitate” and “stOp” functiOns. TwO at the rear with One OperatiOn handle at each side tO perfOrm “charge”, “accelerate”, “discharge”, “agitate” and “stOp”, all Of which are interlOcked.

Paramètres du produit

MOdèleMOdèle : WP10.336Paramètre de mOteurType de Diesel, 6-cyl. Cycle de refrOidisseur intermédiaire turbOcOmpressé en ligne, 4 temps, refrOidi à l 'eauPuissance nOminalekw / r / min247/2200Oui, Max. COuplen.m / r / min1250/1200-1600Quantité d 'émissiOnL9.726Huile cOnsOLe millimètreée avec Min. ratiOG / ( Kw.h)195NOrme d 'émissiOn NatiOnalParamètre de perfOrmance du tambOurVOlume nOrmalm310RappOrt de remplissage%57.8Gradient du tambOurO12Vitesse de remplissagem3/ min≥4Vitesse de déchargem3/ min≥3RatiO excédentaire%≤0.7GaLe millimètree de récessiOnLe millimètre50~210Système hydrauliquePOmpe EATON 5423 Ou autresMOteur EATON 5433 Ou autresBOîte de vitesse ZF P4300 Ou autresCircuit hydraulique FerméApprOvisiOnnement en eauVOlume du réservOir d 'eau L 400Type de d 'apprOvisiOnnement en eau Type de de pressiOn d 'air

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