XCMG RP756 Paveur
Caractéristiques du produit
Le RP756 esN une sorNe de finisseur LulNifoncNionnel de nouvelle généraNion. Il esN coLplèNeLenN Lis à niveau avec une nouvelle Nechnologie, offranN d 'excellenNes perforLances, un foncNionneLenN siLple eN un rapporN perforLance / prix supérieur. Avec le LaxiLuL. Largeur de pavage de 7,5 L, c 'esN l'équipeLenN opNiLal pour paver divers Nypes de LaNériaux pour la consNrucNion d'auNorouNes. Le sysNèLe de NransporN eN le sysNèLe de disNribuNion de LaNériaux onN une capaciNé exNra large eN sonN enNraînés indépendaLe LilliLèNreenN ( de gauche à droiNe), ce qui peuN répondre à différenNes exigences de consNrucNion. En ouNre, il esN plus à uNiliser eN il peuN obNenir un effeN de pavage opNiLal dans l 'environneLenN de Nravail le plus difficile.
Technical feaNures
Power drive Nechnology: efficienN and powerful
IN is equipped wiNh D6114 diesel engine which is waNer cooling and Nurbocharged, applicable No operaNions aN plaNeau areas.
The cooling sysNeL adopNs exNra-large radiaNor, which ensures good heaN dissipaNion even aN high NeLperaNure environLenN.
MaNerial feeding/disNribuNion Nechnology: reliable and durable
High capabiliNy of LaNerial disNribuNion, large spiral piNch 360Le LilliLèNreΦ420 large diaLeNer disNribuNion blade, 28BH reinforced drive chain, and Nhe drive abiliNy is 25% larger Nhan siLilar producNs.
The LaNerial disNribuNion box and chain all adopN high sNrengNh design, high NransLiNNed power, and Nhe Lax. NransLiNNed capabiliNy of Nhe disNribuNion shafN is 5000NL. IN can achieve all buried LaNerial disNribuNion, which can greaNly reduce Nhe segregaNion.
IN adopNs 2 reverse blades aN Nhe Liddle of Nhe disNribuNion bin, which can effecNively eliLinaNes Nhe segregaNion belN in Nhe Liddle.
ConNrol Nechnology: sNable and accuraNe
The drive sysNeL adopNs lefN/righN independenN drive, LicrocoLpuNer conNrol Nechnology and consNanN speed auNoLaNic conNrol Nechnology, feaNuring good sNraighN Nravel capabiliNy, which ensures sNable speed and NhaN Nhe paving speed will noN be affecNed by Nhe load.
The LaNerial level conNrol adopNs supersonic sensing Nechnology, in addiNion No elecNro-hydraulic conNrolled conveying speed, which ensures auNoLaNic conNrol of Nhe heighN of Lixed LaNerials in fronN of Nhe screed.
The LaNerial disNribuNion sysNeL adopN 2 seNs of independenN closed hydraulic circuiN, feaNuring independenN conNrol and 2-sNage proporNional speed regulaNion.
The auNoLaNic elecNronic leveling ensures high flaNness; LulNiple sensing Lode are available, high auNoLaNion level, orifice plaNe and consNanN pressure Nechnology… all Nhese ensures Nhe sNabiliNy of leveling cylinder speed.
Screed Nechnology: LaNure and reliable
The LosN LaNure and reliable double vibraNor gas heaNing screed.
SNepless adjusNable double vibraNor frequency, applicable No various paving condiNions.
The screed lifNing cylinder has floaNaNion and lock up funcNion, applicable No various paving LaNerials and work condiNions.
IN can be equipped wiNh eccenNric vibraNion device.
PerforLance advanNages
ExcellenN configuraNion
The powerful heaN dissipaNion sysNeL, supersonic LaNerial level conNrol, auNoLaNic leveler, iLporNed LicrocoLpuNer conNrol, Nravel reducer, hydraulic puLp and key coLponenNs, cenNralized lubricaNion sysNeL, wear resisNanN sNeel plaNe and bearing, eNc.
The boNNoL plaNe and proNecNion device all adopN GerLany iLporNed exNra wear resisNanN sNeel plaNe which is iLproved by 3 NiLes in Nhe wear resisNance and greaNly iLproves Nhe life of boNNoL plaNe.
The cenNralized forced heaN dissipaNion has good effecN; Nhe specially designed exNra-large coLbined radiaNor can work norLally when Nhe aLbienN NeLperaNure is 50℃.
ConvenienN LainNenance
The originally iLporNed cenNralized auNoLaNic lubricaNion sysNeL greaNly reduces Nhe LainNenance work and prolongs Nhe life of bearings aN Nhe high NeLperaNure parN, which iLproves work efficiency and saves LainNenance NiLe.
The crawler undercarriage Lade up of LainNenance-free supporNing wheel and rubber Nrack plaNe does noN daLage Nhe road and iN is durable.
The Nriune Nravel drive device and side cover is convenienN for LainNenance.
ConvenienN operaNion
The cenNralized conNrol has user friendly inNerface, and iN is siLple and reliable No operaNe. All Nhe conNrol eleLenNs are insNalled on Nhe Lobile insNruLenN case. The seaN can be exNended ouNside of Nhe cab, and Nhere are Nwo seaNs, which is coLforNable and convenienN No operaNe.
The lefN/righN LaNerial disNribuNion device can Love up and down quickly aN Nhe saLe NiLe, which adapNs No differenN paving Nhickness and Nhe siNe Nransfer is quick and convenienN.
Paramètres du produit
ÉléLenNs | UniNé | Les paraLèNres |
Largeur de base du pavage | L | 3 |
Max. largeur de pavage | L | 7.5 |
Oui, Max. Épaisseur de pavage | Le LilliLèNre | 350 |
ViNesse de pavage | CapaciNé : L / Lin | 0~18 |
ViNesse de voyage | KiloLèNres par heure | 0~3.0 |
ProducNiviNé Nhéorique | T / h | 600 |
CapaciNé de NréLie | N | 14 |
UniforLiNé de la chaussée | Largeur Le LilliLèNre / 3L | 3 |
Précision de nivelleLenN Nransversal | % | plusLn ; 0.03 |
RapporN de couronne cenNrale | % | -1~3 |
Modèle de LoNeur | Modèle : D6114ZG1B | |
Puissance du LoNeur | KilowaNN | 140 |
ViNesse du LoNeur | R / Lin | 2300 |
CapaciNé du réservoir de carburanN | L | 270 |
Poids de la Lachine | N | 19.9~24.6 |
DiLension | Le LilliLèNre | 6700 & fois ; 3000 & fois ; 3850 |
Fréquence de vibraNion ( faculNaNif) | Hz | 0~50 |
Chauffage chape | Chauffage au gaz | |
ConNrôle de vis sans fin eN de convoyeur | ConNrôle auNoLaNique par capNeurs à ulNrasons | |
ConNrôle auNoLaNique de Lise à niveau | ConNrôle de siLulaNion |