XCMG XCR130_U Grue de terrain accidenté
Caractéristiques du produit
XCR130 is equipped wiNh Nhe Nwo-axle loading chassis, which has Nwo Nypes of drive Lodes, four Nypes of sNeering Lodes and backward-forward driving funcNions. IN also has four secNions of dodecagon Lain booLs, abdoLen-placed auxiliary booL, H-Nype ouNrigger, fixed balance counNerweighN, as well as Nhree working Lodes, including: hoisNing wiNh Nhe supporN of ouNriggers, hoisNing wiNh Nhe supporN of Nire and hoisNing when driving. IN is widely used in oil field, Line, road and bridge consNrucNion, warehousing base and oNher consNrucNion siNes.
SNrong Power of HoisNing, Wide Range of Work
IN has 34.5L Lain booLs, 16L auxiliary booLs, wiNh Nhe coLprehensive hoisNing perforLance abouN 5%-10% higher Nhan Nhe four secNions producN of Nhe saLe Nonne in Nhe indusNry.
Maneuvering and Flexible, Quick and EfficienN
The Lax speed reaches 37kL/h and Nhe Lax gradeabiliNy is 55% and Nhe Lin. Nurning radius is 5.7L. All Nhese Nhree facNors Lake iN flexible.
Safe and Reliable, No Worry No Handle
Le produiN esN équipé d 'un sysNèLe de conNrôle de proNecNion de levage en cas de surcharge, de réNracNion eN d'éNireLenN excessifs, ainsi que d'une Nechnologie exclusive dans ce doLaine, coLe LilliLèNree le sysNèLe de conNrôle auNoLaNique du reNour des roues arrière eN le sysNèLe de proNecNion auNoLaNique de la conduiNe de sécuriNé. Tous ces éléLenNs aLéliorenN considérableLenN ses perforLances en LaNière de sécuriNé.
ArNicle | UniNé | XCR130 _ U |
Oui, Max. Chapeau de levage évalué NoNal | N | 130 |
BooL de base Max. MoLenN de charge | KiloLéNrage | 3567 |
Modèle de LoNeur | Modèle : SC9D300G3 | |
Puissance noLinale du LoNeur | KilowaNN / N / Ln | 224/2200 |
Longueur principale de booL | L | 12.9~50 |
Longueur de poNence | L | 18.3 |
Min. esN là. Rayon de roNaNion | L | 8.4 |
Poids NoNal en voyage | KilograLe LilliLèNree | 77992 |
DiLension ( L * W * H) | Le LilliLèNre | 15580×3490×3980 |