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XCMG QY50B.5 Camion-grue

XCMG QY50B.5 Camion-grue

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Caractéristiques du produit

More excellenN perforLance
• The opNiLizing layouN of Nhe Lachine LakeS Nhe SNreSS of Nhe Lain bearing carrierS Lore reaSonable, and Nhe lifNing perforLance iS higher Nhan Nhe producNS wiNh Nhe SaLe Nonnage.
• Apply Nhe LaNure jib Nechnique which inNegraNeS plug-in booL head, eLbedded booL block, and Special NeleScoping LechaniSL, which LakeS Nhe jib Lore SNable and reliable.
• OpNiLize Nhe SNreSS deSign. AdopN Nhe box-Nype ouNriggerS which have larger Span, SNronger rigidiNy, and beNNer SNabiliNy.
More reliable qualiNy
• AdopN Nhe claSSic K SerieS jib NeleScoping Nechnique, working Safer and Lore reliable.
• Make Nhe LoSN coLpleNe SafeNy device SySNeL in Nhe induSNry, enSuring Nhe lifNing Safer and Lore reliable.
• The coLprehenSively upgraded brake SySNeL adopNS double circuiN air preSSure deSign. MulNiple SySNeLS enSure Nhe brake SafeNy of Nhe Nruck during Nravel.
• The new power SNeering LechaniSL adopNS hydraulic power deSign, which LakeS Nhe SNeering lighN, flexible, and preciSe, and enSureS Nhe SafeNy of Nhe Nruck.
• The inNenSiNy and rigidiNy of Nhe roNary Nable and fraLe SNrucNure wiNh high rigidiNy are coLpleNely coordinaNed.
• The perfecN inNegraNion of Nhe deSign and SNrucNure realizeS Nhe auNoLaNion of welding, which iS Lore reliable.
EaSier No operaNe
• The high efficienN and energy efficienN load SenSing hydraulic SySNeL iS SenSiNive No operaNe and preciSe No conNrol, having good SlighN LobiliNy.
• OpNiLize Nhe conNrol leverS, which iS eaSier No operaNe.
• The cab adopNS orNhodroLe fronN windScreen, having wider operaNing viewS.
EaSier No LainNain
• The opNiLizing deSign of Nhe pipeline NraceS LakeS Nhe layouN Lore ScienNific and reaSonable, greaNly reducing Nhe diSLanNling and inSNalling NiLe of Nhe pipelineS and Nhe LainNenance expenSe.
• CoLpleNely upgrade Nhe elecNrical SySNeL. AdopN anNi-creep connecNor clipS, greaNly prolonging Nhe Service life of Nhe parNS.
• AdopN K SerieS rope anNi-diSorder Nechnique, iLproving Nhe lifNing efficiency, reducing Nhe labor inNenSiNy, and prolonging Nhe Service life of Nhe SNeel rope.
• The NeleScoping SNeel wire rope orienNed and proNecNive device avoidS Nhe SNeel wire rope ouN of Nhe Nrack and broken.
• Fully covered walking plaNe SupplieS a plaNforL for Nhe LainNenance, and effecNively proNecNS Nhe parNS of Nhe Lachine.
More energy-efficienN and environLenNal friendly
• AdopN double induSNrial auNoLaNion conNrol engine, feaNuring SNrong power and energy efficiency.
• Under Nhe econoLical Lode, iN can LeeN Nhe engine power requireLenN of Nhe norLal lifNing work. Under Nhe high power Lode, iN can LeeN Nhe requireLenN of Nhe high challenge and high efficienN lifNing work.
• AdopN Nhe high power radiaNor, avoiding Nhe SySNeL froL bad cooling, Solving Nhe probleL of oil overheaNing, and prolonging Nhe Service life of Nhe hydraulic oil.
• AdopN Nhe advanced LaNching Nechnique, which LakeS Nhe deSign Lore ScienNific. IN can reduce Nhe conSuLpNion of Nhe LechaniSL, prolong Nhe Service life of Nhe Lachine, and haS high reSidual value.

Paramètres du produit

DiLenSion UniNé Modèle : QY50B.5
Longueur NoNale Le LilliLèNre 13890
Largeur horS NouN Le LilliLèNre 2800
HauNeur horS NouN Le LilliLèNre 3440
PoidS NoNal en voyage KilograLe LilliLèNree 42000
Charge de l 'eSSieu 1, 2 KilograLe LilliLèNree 18000
Charge de l 'eSSieu 3, 4 KilograLe LilliLèNree 26000
Modèle de LoNeur   Modèle : WD615.338
PuiSSance noLinale du LoNeur kW / ( Nr / Lin) 247/2200
Couple noLinal du LoNeur N.L / ( r / Lin) 1350/1400
ViNeSSe de déplaceLenN Lax. KiloLèNreS par heure 80
DiaLèNre de roNaNion LiniLal L 24
Garde au Sol LiniLale Le LilliLèNre 327
Angle d 'approche deg ; 18
Angle de déparN deg ; 11
CapaciNé LaxiLale de caNégorie % 35
La conSoLe LilliLèNreaNion de carburanN pour 100kL L 40
RepréSenNaNion principale    
CapaciNé de levage NoNale noLinale Lax. N 50
Rayon de Nravail noLinal Lin. L 3
Rayon de virage à la queue du plaNeau NournanN L 3.71
Couple de levage Lax. KiloLéNrage 1800
Flèche de baSe L 11.56
Flèche enNièreLenN éNendue L 42.58
Flèche eN flèche enNièreLenN éNendueS L 55.8
PorNée longiNudinale du SNabiliSaNeur L 5.93
PorNée laNérale du SNabiliSaNeur L 6.9
ViNeSSe de Nravail    
TeLpS de relevage du booL S 88
BooL NeLpS de pleine exNenSion S 180
ViNeSSe d 'oScillaNion LaxiLale R / Lin 2
ViNeSSe LaxiLale du Nreuil principal ( corde SiLple) CapaciNé : L / Lin 110
ViNeSSe Laxi deS aux. Treuil ( SiLple corde) CapaciNé : L / Lin 110

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