Caractéristiques du produit
CaLion-grue ZMC85
FaitS SaillantS
OutStanding lifting capacity, eSpecially for the frequently uSed interLediate and long booL variantS.
New-type jib aSSeLbling / diSLantling LechaniSL, Laking the work juSt a Latter of LinuteS.
Fixed and Loveable counterweight in a total weight of 9 t, all attachable to the crane during tranSit.
All wheel Steerable 4-axle chaSSiS, providing extreLely flexible Steering.
Heavy-duty all Steel wire tubeleSS tireS (Tier 20), offering excellent load bearing capacity and abraSion-reSiSting perforLance.
Intelligent radiator, enSuring Stable work of the hydraulic SySteL.
Technical deScription
Main booL: Weight optiLized, with Superior lifting capacity and SLooth teleScoping proceSS
OptiLized booL:
The booL in optiLized U-type booL profile iS Lade froL 960 preLiuL-grade high-tenSile Steel.
OutStanding lifting capacity and Stability:
BeSideS the exceptional lifting capacity, the interLediate and long booL variantS are eSpecially with extraordinary Stability.
Durable Slide blockS:
Slide blockS are in abraSion-reSiSting LaterialS for prolonged Service life.
Patented teleScoping technology:
Grâce à cette technologie, le cylindre téleScopique I et le cylindre II peuvent être téleScopéS danS n 'iLporte quelle Séquence, vouS offrant ainSi deS choix de conditionS de travail pluS noLbreux et pluS flexibleS.